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필리핀 내 테러 관련 안전공지(3)

Views : 1,911 2024-03-25 17:35
자유게시판 1275505094
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< 필리핀 내 테러 관련 안전공지 >

최근 세계 각국에서 불안한 국제정세를 틈탄 테러 위협이 증가하고 있습니다.

지난 2024년 3월 23일 토요일 러시아 모스코바 소재 공연장에서 민간인을 겨냥한 총격테러 사건이 발생하였으며, 이로 인해 약 140여명이 사망하였고, 부상자도 180명이 넘는 것으로 알려지고 있습니다.

대규모 테러 발생 이후에는 이를 모방한 테러와 범죄 등이 발생할 가능성이 높기 때문에 해외에 체류하는 우리 국민들의 각별한 주의가 필요합니다.

필리핀에 체류하시는 우리 국민들께서는 위험지역 방문을 자제하시기 바라며, 다중 운집시설 이용 자제 등 각별히 안전에 유의하시기 바랍니다.

특이사항 발생시 아래 긴급전화로 연락 바랍니다.

- 영사콜센터 : +82-2-3210-0404

- 대사관 : 0917-817-5703

주필리핀 대한민국 대사관

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Tom톰형 [쪽지 보내기] 2024-03-25 17:42 No. 1275505097
최소 137명의 목숨을 앗아간 모스크바 콘서트홀 테러에 연루된 혐의로 기소된 4명의 남성이 일요일 테러 혐의로 기소되어 재판을 받을 때까지 구금 명령을 받았습니다.

Four men accused of involvement in the Moscow concert hall attack that killed at least 137 people were charged with terrorism Sunday and ordered to be detained pending trial.

Tom톰형 [쪽지 보내기] 2024-03-25 17:46 No. 1275505098
주필리핀 대한민국 대사관은 최근 남중국해에서 필리핀 선박에 대해 반복적으로 물대포를 발사해 해당 선박 중 1척에 심각한 피해를 입히고 승선 중인 필리핀인에게 부상을 입힌 것에 대해 심각한 우려를 표명합니다.

그러한 행동은 긴장을 고조시키고 한국을 포함하여 남중국해를 이용하는 모든 국가의 중요한 통신 항로인 남중국해의 평화, 안정, 안전 및 규칙 기반 해양 질서를 유지하는 데 해를 끼칩니다.

어떠한 경우에도 항행 및 상공비행의 자유는 UNCLOS를 포함한 국제법의 원칙에 따라 국제사회 모든 국가가 존중해야 합니다.

The Embassy of the Republic of Korea in the Philippines expresses grave concern about the recent and repeated use of water cannons against the Philippine vessels in the South China Sea that caused serious damage to one of these vessels and injuries to the Filipinos on board.

Such an action raises tensions and is detrimental to maintaining peace, stability, safety and rules-based maritime order in the South China Sea, a critical sea lane of communications for all countries that use it, including the ROK.

Under any circumstances, the freedom of navigation and overflight should be respected by all countries in the international community based on the principles of international law, including the UNCLOS.

Tom톰형 [쪽지 보내기] 2024-03-25 17:55 No. 1275505101
한국의 의과대학 교수들이 정부의 의과대학 입학 확대 방안에 반대해 한 달 넘게 파업 중인 수련의들을 지원하기 위해 월요일부터 실습 시간을 줄인다고 밝혔습니다.

Medical professors in South Korea said they will cut back on the hours they spend in practice starting on Monday to support trainee doctors on strike for more than a month over a government plan to boost medical school admissions.


Warning: mysqli::query(): (08S01/1053): Server shutdown in progress in /home/philgo/www/class/mysqli/mysqli.php on line 160
ERROR (1053) : Server shutdown in progress
    [0] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/class/mysqli/mysqli.php
            [line] => 388
            [function] => check_error
            [class] => DB
            [object] => DB Object
                    [affected_rows] => -1
                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 7.4.1
                    [client_version] => 70401
                    [connect_errno] => 0
                    [connect_error] => 
                    [errno] => 1053
                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress
                    [error_list] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [errno] => 1053
                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress


                    [field_count] => 57
                    [host_info] => via TCP/IP
                    [info] => 
                    [insert_id] => 0
                    [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.3.13-MariaDB-log
                    [server_version] => 100313
                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                    [protocol_version] => 10
                    [thread_id] => 4979
                    [warning_count] => 0

            [type] => ->
            [args] => Array


    [1] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/class/post_v2/post_v2.php
            [line] => 427
            [function] => rows
            [class] => DB
            [object] => DB Object
                    [affected_rows] => -1
                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 7.4.1
                    [client_version] => 70401
                    [connect_errno] => 0
                    [connect_error] => 
                    [errno] => 1053
                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress
                    [error_list] => Array
                            [0] => Array
                                    [errno] => 1053
                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress


                    [field_count] => 57
                    [host_info] => via TCP/IP
                    [info] => 
                    [insert_id] => 0
                    [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.3.13-MariaDB-log
                    [server_version] => 100313
                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                    [protocol_version] => 10
                    [thread_id] => 4979
                    [warning_count] => 0

            [type] => ->
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => SELECT idx, post_id, idx_root, idx_parent, gid, category, sub_category, no_of_comment, no_of_attach, user_id,user_email,secret,checked,checked_stamp,
							no_of_first_image, idx_member, user_name, no_of_view, stamp, deleted, 
							subject, content_stripped,
							int_1, int_2, int_3, int_4, int_5, int_6, int_7, int_8, int_9, int_10,
							char_1, char_2, char_3, char_4, char_5, char_6, char_7, char_8, char_9, char_10,
							blind, good, bad,list_order, region FROM sf_post_data WHERE (post_id='freetalk' AND idx_parent=0) ORDER BY stamp DESC LIMIT 0, 50


    [2] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/class/post_v2/post_v2.php
            [line] => 366
            [function] => select
            [class] => post
            [object] => post Object
                    [db] => DB Object
                            [affected_rows] => -1
                            [client_info] => mysqlnd 7.4.1
                            [client_version] => 70401
                            [connect_errno] => 0
                            [connect_error] => 
                            [errno] => 1053
                            [error] => Server shutdown in progress
                            [error_list] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [errno] => 1053
                                            [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                            [error] => Server shutdown in progress


                            [field_count] => 57
                            [host_info] => via TCP/IP
                            [info] => 
                            [insert_id] => 0
                            [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.3.13-MariaDB-log
                            [server_version] => 100313
                            [sqlstate] => 08S01
                            [protocol_version] => 10
                            [thread_id] => 4979
                            [warning_count] => 0

                    [member] => member Object
                            [info] => Array
                                    [load] => 1

                            [idx] => 
                            [db] => DB Object
                                    [affected_rows] => -1
                                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 7.4.1
                                    [client_version] => 70401
                                    [connect_errno] => 0
                                    [connect_error] => 
                                    [errno] => 1053
                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress
                                    [error_list] => Array
                                            [0] => Array
                                                    [errno] => 1053
                                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress


                                    [field_count] => 57
                                    [host_info] => via TCP/IP
                                    [info] => 
                                    [insert_id] => 0
                                    [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.3.13-MariaDB-log
                                    [server_version] => 100313
                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                    [protocol_version] => 10
                                    [thread_id] => 4979
                                    [warning_count] => 0

                            [level_guage] => Array
                                    [0] => 0
                                    [1] => 500
                                    [2] => 1500
                                    [3] => 3000
                                    [4] => 5000
                                    [5] => 7500
                                    [6] => 10500
                                    [7] => 14000
                                    [8] => 18000
                                    [9] => 22500
                                    [10] => 27500
                                    [11] => 33000
                                    [12] => 39000
                                    [13] => 45500
                                    [14] => 52500
                                    [15] => 60000
                                    [16] => 68000
                                    [17] => 76500
                                    [18] => 85500
                                    [19] => 95000
                                    [20] => 105000
                                    [21] => 115500
                                    [22] => 126500
                                    [23] => 138000
                                    [24] => 150000
                                    [25] => 162500
                                    [26] => 175500
                                    [27] => 189000
                                    [28] => 203000
                                    [29] => 217500
                                    [30] => 232500
                                    [31] => 248000
                                    [32] => 264000
                                    [33] => 280500
                                    [34] => 297500
                                    [35] => 315000
                                    [36] => 333000
                                    [37] => 351500
                                    [38] => 370500
                                    [39] => 390000
                                    [40] => 410000
                                    [41] => 430500
                                    [42] => 451500
                                    [43] => 473000
                                    [44] => 495000
                                    [45] => 517500
                                    [46] => 540500
                                    [47] => 564000
                                    [48] => 588000
                                    [49] => 612500
                                    [50] => 637500
                                    [51] => 663000
                                    [52] => 689000
                                    [53] => 715500
                                    [54] => 742500
                                    [55] => 770000
                                    [56] => 798000
                                    [57] => 826500
                                    [58] => 855500
                                    [59] => 885000
                                    [60] => 915000
                                    [61] => 945500
                                    [62] => 976500
                                    [63] => 1008000
                                    [64] => 1040000
                                    [65] => 1072500
                                    [66] => 1105500
                                    [67] => 1139000
                                    [68] => 1173000
                                    [69] => 1207500
                                    [70] => 1242500
                                    [71] => 1278000
                                    [72] => 1314000
                                    [73] => 1350500
                                    [74] => 1387500
                                    [75] => 1425000
                                    [76] => 1463000
                                    [77] => 1501500
                                    [78] => 1540500
                                    [79] => 1580000
                                    [80] => 1620000
                                    [81] => 1660500
                                    [82] => 1701500
                                    [83] => 1743000
                                    [84] => 1785000
                                    [85] => 1827500
                                    [86] => 1870500
                                    [87] => 1914000
                                    [88] => 1958000
                                    [89] => 2002500
                                    [90] => 2047500
                                    [91] => 2093000
                                    [92] => 2139000
                                    [93] => 2185500
                                    [94] => 2232500
                                    [95] => 2280000
                                    [96] => 2328000
                                    [97] => 2376500
                                    [98] => 2425500
                                    [99] => 2475000


                    [data] => data Object
                            [url_data_server] =>
                            [dir_upload] => data/upload
                            [db] => DB Object
                                    [affected_rows] => -1
                                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 7.4.1
                                    [client_version] => 70401
                                    [connect_errno] => 0
                                    [connect_error] => 
                                    [errno] => 1053
                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress
                                    [error_list] => Array
                                            [0] => Array
                                                    [errno] => 1053
                                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress


                                    [field_count] => 57
                                    [host_info] => via TCP/IP
                                    [info] => 
                                    [insert_id] => 0
                                    [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.3.13-MariaDB-log
                                    [server_version] => 100313
                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                    [protocol_version] => 10
                                    [thread_id] => 4979
                                    [warning_count] => 0


                    [cache] => 
                    [config] => Array

                    [common_list_fields] => idx, post_id, idx_root, idx_parent, gid, category, sub_category, no_of_comment, no_of_attach, user_id,user_email,secret,checked,checked_stamp,
							no_of_first_image, idx_member, user_name, no_of_view, stamp, deleted, 
							subject, content_stripped,
							int_1, int_2, int_3, int_4, int_5, int_6, int_7, int_8, int_9, int_10,
							char_1, char_2, char_3, char_4, char_5, char_6, char_7, char_8, char_9, char_10,
							blind, good, bad,list_order, region

            [type] => ->
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [post_id] => freetalk
                            [page_no] => 1
                            [limit] => 50
                            [category] => 
                            [sub_category] => 
                            [region] => 
                            [fields] => idx, post_id, idx_root, idx_parent, gid, category, sub_category, no_of_comment, no_of_attach, user_id,user_email,secret,checked,checked_stamp,
							no_of_first_image, idx_member, user_name, no_of_view, stamp, deleted, 
							subject, content_stripped,
							int_1, int_2, int_3, int_4, int_5, int_6, int_7, int_8, int_9, int_10,
							char_1, char_2, char_3, char_4, char_5, char_6, char_7, char_8, char_9, char_10,
							blind, good, bad,list_order, region



    [3] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/etc/share/post_list_page.php
            [line] => 35
            [function] => page
            [class] => post
            [object] => post Object
                    [db] => DB Object
                            [affected_rows] => -1
                            [client_info] => mysqlnd 7.4.1
                            [client_version] => 70401
                            [connect_errno] => 0
                            [connect_error] => 
                            [errno] => 1053
                            [error] => Server shutdown in progress
                            [error_list] => Array
                                    [0] => Array
                                            [errno] => 1053
                                            [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                            [error] => Server shutdown in progress


                            [field_count] => 57
                            [host_info] => via TCP/IP
                            [info] => 
                            [insert_id] => 0
                            [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.3.13-MariaDB-log
                            [server_version] => 100313
                            [sqlstate] => 08S01
                            [protocol_version] => 10
                            [thread_id] => 4979
                            [warning_count] => 0

                    [member] => member Object
                            [info] => Array
                                    [load] => 1

                            [idx] => 
                            [db] => DB Object
                                    [affected_rows] => -1
                                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 7.4.1
                                    [client_version] => 70401
                                    [connect_errno] => 0
                                    [connect_error] => 
                                    [errno] => 1053
                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress
                                    [error_list] => Array
                                            [0] => Array
                                                    [errno] => 1053
                                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress


                                    [field_count] => 57
                                    [host_info] => via TCP/IP
                                    [info] => 
                                    [insert_id] => 0
                                    [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.3.13-MariaDB-log
                                    [server_version] => 100313
                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                    [protocol_version] => 10
                                    [thread_id] => 4979
                                    [warning_count] => 0

                            [level_guage] => Array
                                    [0] => 0
                                    [1] => 500
                                    [2] => 1500
                                    [3] => 3000
                                    [4] => 5000
                                    [5] => 7500
                                    [6] => 10500
                                    [7] => 14000
                                    [8] => 18000
                                    [9] => 22500
                                    [10] => 27500
                                    [11] => 33000
                                    [12] => 39000
                                    [13] => 45500
                                    [14] => 52500
                                    [15] => 60000
                                    [16] => 68000
                                    [17] => 76500
                                    [18] => 85500
                                    [19] => 95000
                                    [20] => 105000
                                    [21] => 115500
                                    [22] => 126500
                                    [23] => 138000
                                    [24] => 150000
                                    [25] => 162500
                                    [26] => 175500
                                    [27] => 189000
                                    [28] => 203000
                                    [29] => 217500
                                    [30] => 232500
                                    [31] => 248000
                                    [32] => 264000
                                    [33] => 280500
                                    [34] => 297500
                                    [35] => 315000
                                    [36] => 333000
                                    [37] => 351500
                                    [38] => 370500
                                    [39] => 390000
                                    [40] => 410000
                                    [41] => 430500
                                    [42] => 451500
                                    [43] => 473000
                                    [44] => 495000
                                    [45] => 517500
                                    [46] => 540500
                                    [47] => 564000
                                    [48] => 588000
                                    [49] => 612500
                                    [50] => 637500
                                    [51] => 663000
                                    [52] => 689000
                                    [53] => 715500
                                    [54] => 742500
                                    [55] => 770000
                                    [56] => 798000
                                    [57] => 826500
                                    [58] => 855500
                                    [59] => 885000
                                    [60] => 915000
                                    [61] => 945500
                                    [62] => 976500
                                    [63] => 1008000
                                    [64] => 1040000
                                    [65] => 1072500
                                    [66] => 1105500
                                    [67] => 1139000
                                    [68] => 1173000
                                    [69] => 1207500
                                    [70] => 1242500
                                    [71] => 1278000
                                    [72] => 1314000
                                    [73] => 1350500
                                    [74] => 1387500
                                    [75] => 1425000
                                    [76] => 1463000
                                    [77] => 1501500
                                    [78] => 1540500
                                    [79] => 1580000
                                    [80] => 1620000
                                    [81] => 1660500
                                    [82] => 1701500
                                    [83] => 1743000
                                    [84] => 1785000
                                    [85] => 1827500
                                    [86] => 1870500
                                    [87] => 1914000
                                    [88] => 1958000
                                    [89] => 2002500
                                    [90] => 2047500
                                    [91] => 2093000
                                    [92] => 2139000
                                    [93] => 2185500
                                    [94] => 2232500
                                    [95] => 2280000
                                    [96] => 2328000
                                    [97] => 2376500
                                    [98] => 2425500
                                    [99] => 2475000


                    [data] => data Object
                            [url_data_server] =>
                            [dir_upload] => data/upload
                            [db] => DB Object
                                    [affected_rows] => -1
                                    [client_info] => mysqlnd 7.4.1
                                    [client_version] => 70401
                                    [connect_errno] => 0
                                    [connect_error] => 
                                    [errno] => 1053
                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress
                                    [error_list] => Array
                                            [0] => Array
                                                    [errno] => 1053
                                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                                    [error] => Server shutdown in progress


                                    [field_count] => 57
                                    [host_info] => via TCP/IP
                                    [info] => 
                                    [insert_id] => 0
                                    [server_info] => 5.5.5-10.3.13-MariaDB-log
                                    [server_version] => 100313
                                    [sqlstate] => 08S01
                                    [protocol_version] => 10
                                    [thread_id] => 4979
                                    [warning_count] => 0


                    [cache] => 
                    [config] => Array

                    [common_list_fields] => idx, post_id, idx_root, idx_parent, gid, category, sub_category, no_of_comment, no_of_attach, user_id,user_email,secret,checked,checked_stamp,
							no_of_first_image, idx_member, user_name, no_of_view, stamp, deleted, 
							subject, content_stripped,
							int_1, int_2, int_3, int_4, int_5, int_6, int_7, int_8, int_9, int_10,
							char_1, char_2, char_3, char_4, char_5, char_6, char_7, char_8, char_9, char_10,
							blind, good, bad,list_order, region

            [type] => ->
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [post_id] => freetalk
                            [page_no] => 1
                            [limit] => 50
                            [category] => 
                            [sub_category] => 
                            [region] => 
                            [fields] => idx, post_id, idx_root, idx_parent, gid, category, sub_category, no_of_comment, no_of_attach, user_id,user_email,secret,checked,checked_stamp,
							no_of_first_image, idx_member, user_name, no_of_view, stamp, deleted, 
							subject, content_stripped,
							int_1, int_2, int_3, int_4, int_5, int_6, int_7, int_8, int_9, int_10,
							char_1, char_2, char_3, char_4, char_5, char_6, char_7, char_8, char_9, char_10,
							blind, good, bad,list_order, region



    [4] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/widget/post_list_default/post_list_default.php
            [line] => 10
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /home/philgo/www/etc/share/post_list_page.php

            [function] => include

    [5] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/etc/load_widget.php
            [line] => 106
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /home/philgo/www/widget/post_list_default/post_list_default.php

            [function] => include

    [6] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/module/post/list.php
            [line] => 89
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /home/philgo/www/etc/load_widget.php

            [function] => include

    [7] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/module/post/view.php
            [line] => 83
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /home/philgo/www/module/post/list.php

            [function] => include_once

    [8] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/etc/load_module.php
            [line] => 24
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /home/philgo/www/module/post/view.php

            [function] => include

    [9] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/theme/philgo/layout.php
            [line] => 160
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /home/philgo/www/etc/load_module.php

            [function] => include

    [10] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/etc/load_theme.php
            [line] => 15
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /home/philgo/www/theme/philgo/layout.php

            [function] => include

    [11] => Array
            [file] => /home/philgo/www/index.php
            [line] => 92
            [args] => Array
                    [0] => /home/philgo/www/etc/load_theme.php

            [function] => include
