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Most beautiful places to visit in the Philippines(2)

Views : 7,009 2019-09-18 12:20
자유게시판 1274401177
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Batanes offers an escape like nowhere else in the country. Perched at the northernmost tip of the Philippines, Batanes is surrounded by endless picturesque landscapes of rolling hills, the sky, and sea. A tranquil, slowed-down way of life is enjoyed by the locals, who are also known for their pleasant and amiable nature. Locals are also proud of their province’s virtually non-existent crime rate. In fact, a popular place in Batanes is the “Honesty Cafe”, where a small store and self-service cafe stands unmanned. Customers come in, take what they need, and they are simply trusted to leave the correct amount at an allocated cash box.

Siargao (Surf Capital)

Gaining more and more popularity in recent years is the country’s “surf capital” of Siargao. Strategically located along the country’s eastern coast, Siargao receives strong winds and currents that flow in steadily from the Pacific Ocean. To the delight of surfers, this gives the island solid swells they can enjoy, including the famous Cloud 9.
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totquf27 [쪽지 보내기] 2019-09-18 18:18 No. 1274401766
55 포인트 획득. 축하!
필리핀 자연환경은 최고인것같습니다
치안만좋다면 더 바랄게없을텐데요
참 안타까운 부분입니다
아킬리우스 [쪽지 보내기] 2019-09-18 19:17 No. 1274401855
78 포인트 획득. 축하!
바타네스 작년 3월에 여행으로 다녀와본적이 있습니다...필리핀 섬이면서..본토보다는 대만이 더가까운..아름다운 섬 입니다....제주도 와 놀라울만큼 풍경이 비슷합니다..졸리비나 맥도날드 이런건 없습니다...^^
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